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Dua For Love Marriage To Agree Parents
Dua For Love Marriage To Agree Parents, In our community, love in marriages usually comes after it. Those who do love before it, literally have to fight a war.
Dua to convince parents for something or for making parents agree for love marriage can be use to convince his parents for love marriage. You can use our dua to convince in laws for love marriage.
Love marriages still today are not accepted. No matter how legitimate your relation is. Your parents and family will always stay sceptical about it. The person who is in love finds it very hard to make the right choice.
In such a situation a person seems to stand in the middle of the road. Where at one end there is the lover and at the other, is the family. All who have done a love marriage had to face this situation at some time or the other. So if you are in life. And, planning to marry your loved one then get ready to fight a battle.
Dua For Love Marriage To Agree Parents
We all have a right to choose. They say we meet all those people who we are destined to meet. And, if Allah has no objection then who are we to object.
Nothing is hidden from the almighty and knows it well, what lies in our hearts. Keep your heart clean for your lover. And think the best for him or her. Plan a life with them, which is simple and guided on the path of Allah.
When you feel helpless and think there is nobody around you to help. To make you see the light in these dark times. Then there you should know that there is an invisible hand of Allah. Which is always holding you and will never let you fall. All you have to do is to wait for a little. Give things a little time so that they can fall in the place.
Dua To Make Parents Agree For Love Marriage
Dua To Make Parents Agree For Love Marriage, Here you have to understand the situation of your parents and family. They are not your enemy. All this while they just want the good for you. They are your ultimate supporters. And their objection is just their concern.
It is so unfortunate that we live in a society which interferes a lot. Your one decision is going to affect your family for long. Your move will make it so very difficult to move outside the house. So whatever decision you are planning to take, just always keep them in mind.
Your actions will make them suffer for long. And, you obviously do not want to celebrate this great event without them. So, have a little patience and don’t make a move that will break them away from you. Communication is always the best solution to all the problems. We always make things by assuming them in the wrong way.
Prayers To Convince Parents For Love Marriage
Prayers To Convince Parents For Love Marriage, You are their child and they have been forgiving all your mistakes. Let them know how much you love that person. Make them understand how he or she is best for you. All they want is your happiness. And, they are just scared that you shouldn’t be making a foolish decision. Love is blind and indeed make us take a stupid decision.
Firstly, here you should be absolutely sure that the decision you are going to make it right for you. And in future, you will not have to regret it. And when your parents see you true dedication. Then they will definitely agree with it. In this life, nothing comes easy. To get what you want, you need to struggle for it.
What is more important here is that whatever you do has to be legitimate. Your situation is so weak here that you want everything to work in your favor. You cannot offend Allah and at the same time your parents. When nothing goes in our favor we tend to take the extreme actions. Most of the times the only option remaining is to run away.
Surah To Convince Parents For Love Marriage
Surah To Convince Parents For Love Marriage, Please don’t take such an extreme action. This will do you no good. And for the rest of your life, you have to spend your life by hiding your face. Running from people. This will bring shame just not to you but your parents too. your wait is worth it. All the struggle you are going through currently will inshallah give you the good result.
Allah looks for your intention which certainly has to be good. You have to look both ways and that is the harsh truth. No matter what you have to calculate each and every step of yours. These decisions cannot be taken solely just on emotions. You do whatever you can. If you really want to spend your life with your loved one. You really need to do all this.
And, when after all your efforts still you are not able to convince your parents. Then here is where Allah do his work. He will turn the winds in your favor certainly. So the good move here is to pull him in your favor. Convince him about your desperation. Pray to him day and night and ask him for his help.
He is the most merciful of us all. And he knows about your needs more than you. Care for you more than you care for yourself. So it is time to do a legitimate dua to him. Our Dua has immense power.
Dua To Make His Parents Agree For Marriage
Dua To Make His Parents Agree For Marriage, If you do the following dua, your actions will soon be facilitated. Be regular in your namaz as these sincere efforts will make Allah happy. The dua is as following:
After any namaz of your, recite this dua:
“Ya Allahu, Ya Fattahu” for 303 times. This is the powerful enough dua that will put you out of your difficult situation.
Along with this, you can also recite, “Rabbi in lima anzalta illayya min khayrin faqeerun” for 11 times after the zenith.
Also, “lahawla wala quwata illa billahil aliyil Azeem” for 100 times. This dua will ease all your troubles.
They will help you convince your parents in a better way. And, inshallah you will be celebrating your greatest happiness with them. And, most importantly with their blessings. Just hold on and have faith in Allah. May he bless you always. Ameen.
Dua To Convince Parents For Something
Dua To Convince Parents For Something, The young generation’s way of thinking is different from the older generation. These problems can easily be solved if you create a better bond of mutual understanding between you and your parents.
You can also use a dua to convince parents for something as useful options. Reciting this dua will make the thinking of you and your parents the same and thus, you can make them convince for something you desire.
In the case of love marriages, you can witness strong resistance and difference in opinion from your parents. For this, you can use this particular dua for your success. You can perform this dua at any time by taking a fresh ablution.
Then write the verse number 131,132 of the Surah Talah in the Arabic language on two different papers. Dip one of the papers in a glass of water and ask Allah for his blessings. Then drink that glass of water containing the paper.
The other paper you can wrap in a white cloth and safely keep it in your room. This dua is only for one time. You will see positive results in a few days.
Dua For Making Parents Agree For Love Marriage
Dua For Making Parents Agree For Love Marriage, Marriage comes once in a lifetime, and it’s also a momentous occasion for every lover. Every couple wants their parents to be part of their marriage. But sometimes when you chose your partner on your own, the parents do not support you. So you can use dua for making parents agree for love marriage to Allah and ask him for blessings.
This dua will make the thinking of you and your parents thinking similar. Thus they will be happily convinced to be a part of your wedding. The dua is so powerful that your parents will not be angry with your decision and support you as well. Allah Tal also admires this dua. Ah, and he helps to remove the hurdles that lie between you and your love.
It is a fact that Muslim parents often refuse to love marriages and tend to raise their temper just by listening to such things. If your parents are not visiting the person, you love you can use this dua. For this, make a fresh ablution with clean water.
Then you have to recite the Surah Yaseen for three times with full concentration. After this pray to Allah tala to make your parents agree with your marriage. After this, think of your parents and then blow the dua imagining it to spread around. Perform this continuously for eleven days.
In the cases when you do not notice any change after eleven days, you can also visit Molvi Saab for better solutions and guidance. Taking blessings of the parents is very important that too in such a momentous occasion. This dua will melt the heart of your parents making them agreeing for your marriage. Just remember to pray to Allah with full purity and dedication.
Dua To Convince His Parents For Love Marriage
Dua To Convince His Parents For Love Marriage, Sometimes it happens that the lovers are ready to stay together, but their parents are against them. It is also necessary to make your mind and be well prepared for your marriage.
If you are competent and confident in your decision, then no parent can deny your wish. The first step is to answer all the questions raised by your parents. Also, do the same by meeting with your in-laws.
Try to reach the conclusions for what reasons they are not convinced to proceed with your relationship. Finding all these answers, you will inevitably arrive at a proper judgment if not use dua to convince his parents for love marriage.
Dua for this is nothing but praying to Allah and asking him for help and taking of the blessings. After performing your ablution, you have to open the holy book of the Quran and recite the Surah Yaseen for about three times with pure heart.
Then recite the dua “Ya Allaahuu Yaa Fattaahu” for 303 times. After this, pray to Allah and ask him to provide a solution to your problems. Continue the above mention procedure for about 11 days regularly without any break. Girls can discontinue if they are in their periods.
You will see the positive results soon and also that your parents’ resistance against your marriage will decrease. As parents are the real Gods to us on earth, their blessings and support are most important for living a happy life. You can also ask any of the experts in such fields by meeting them both in online or offline mode.
Dua To Convince In Laws For Love Marriage
Dua To Convince In Laws For Love Marriage, The religion of Islam will never be in your way because love marriages emerge from true love. In the beginning, you accept each other proposals then consult your parents. If everything is right, you lead a happy life ahead. But many times luck does not favor you. You can receive many hurdles from your parents or your in-law’s parents.
Using dua to convince in-laws for love marriage, you can easily cross all such hurdles. And in the end, they will be happy for you and give you blessings. Such dua, you can start at any time of the day. In the beginning, recite the Durood Shareef for seven times. Then recite the dua” Innaal Laazeeena Amanu Wa Amiluus Salihati Ulaa, aikuhum Khairaul Barriiya” for 786 times.
Finally, end your dua by reciting the Durood Shareef for seven times in the end. Now blow this dua on the food and offer them to your in-laws. Also, remember to make dua with full dedication to Allah to help you to convince them. God will bless you and will make your in-laws ready for the marriage.
We also know that love is blind and sometimes parents stop us from making such mistakes. You should listen to them and also try to hear their experience and reasons behind such decisions. After that, if you feel that you can keep each other happy, then go for it. You can convince them by meeting him as their blessings are fundamental to you and for the rest of your lives.